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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Public Disclosure and Accountability Reporting


Welcome to the State Ethics Commission Online Public Disclosure and Accountability Reporting System. Campaign Disclosure forms for Constitutional officers and candidates and local office holders and candidates are available online for viewing. Campaign disclosure forms for non-candidate committees, political parties and caucuses are also available online for viewing. Statement of Economic Interests forms for all elected officials, all public members of state boards and commissions and certain public employees are available online for viewing. These filings can be accessed by searching individual financial reports, contributions and expenditures.

Registrations for both lobbyists and their respective lobbyist's principals are available online for viewing. Disclosure for both lobbyists and their respective lobbyist's principals will also be available at the conclusion of the first disclosure period, June 30, 2009, for the period, January 1, 2009 through May 31, 2009.

If you have questions concerning the filings, please contact the State Ethics Commission.  If you have problems accessing the information, please contact SC.GOV.

Disclosure filings for Constitutional Officer races for the period 4th quarter 2005 to 3rd quarter 2007 are available online for viewing and reporting.